The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Home: Learn Home Security Basics

home security - securing your home

Why Home Security is Crucial

A burglary occurs every 30 seconds in the UK, and more than 90% of the time, the homes are empty. When it comes to securing your home, you need to be prepared for both amateur crooks and skilled thieves. Amateurs tend to be opportunistic, while pros may observe your residence over several days before making a move.

Here’s a quick rundown on how you can start securing your home effectively:

  1. Change your locks when moving in or after losing keys
  2. Don’t hide keys in obvious places
  3. Ensure your locks, doors, and windows are secure
  4. Keep garage doors sealed and locked
  5. Hide evidence of valuable items

The importance of home security extends beyond keeping burglars at bay—it also protects you and your family from accidents and hazards inside your home. With the right security measures, you can safeguard against both unwanted intrusions and everyday risks.

Top Home Security Tips - securing your home infographic step-infographic-4-steps

Secure Points of Entry

One of the easiest ways to secure your home is by focusing on vulnerable entry points. These are often the first places burglars target when attempting to break in. Let’s look at some practical steps to bolster these weak spots.

Vulnerable Entry Points

Windows and sliding patio doors are common targets. The latches on most double-hung windows are weak and can be easily pried open with a simple tool. Similarly, sliding patio doors can be lifted off their tracks or forced open.

Pin Locks

Pin locks are a simple and effective solution for securing windows and sliding doors. These locks can be installed by drilling a small hole through the window frame. This prevents the window from being opened, even if the latch is compromised. For added security, you can drill a second hole to lock the window in a partially opened position, allowing for ventilation without sacrificing safety.

Pin locks work well on sliding patio doors, too. They prevent the door from being lifted off its track, making it much harder for a burglar to gain entry.

Sliding Patio Doors

Sliding patio doors are particularly vulnerable because they can often be lifted off their tracks. To secure these doors, you can:

  1. Install pin locks as mentioned above.
  2. Use a dowel or a metal rod in the track to prevent the door from sliding open. This is a simple yet effective method.
  3. Upgrade to a more secure lock specifically designed for sliding doors.

Sliding Patio Door Lock - securing your home

By addressing these vulnerable entry points, you can significantly improve the security of your home. Next, we’ll explore how to install a comprehensive home security system to further protect your property.

Install a Home Security System

A home security system is a must-have for anyone serious about protecting their home. These systems can include cameras, alarms, and smart controls that work together to keep your home safe. Let’s explore some popular options.


Security cameras are a great way to keep an eye on your property. Modern cameras can be viewed from anywhere using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Look for features like:

  • Motion-triggered recording
  • Infrared night vision
  • Two-way audio communication


Alarms are a critical component of any home security system. They can deter intruders and alert you and the authorities when something is wrong. Some top options include systems that offer 24/7 monitoring for burglaries, fires, water damage, and medical emergencies.

Smart Controls

Smart controls allow you to manage your home security system remotely. You can use your smartphone to monitor cameras, arm or disarm your alarm, and even control smart locks.

Comprehensive Systems

For an all-in-one solution, consider systems that include a combination of cameras, alarms, and smart controls. These systems are designed to work together seamlessly, offering a complete package with professional monitoring options.

By installing a home security system, you can monitor your property, deter intruders, and have peace of mind knowing your home is protected. Next, we’ll explore how to add motion detector lighting to enhance your home’s security.

Add Motion Detector Lighting

Adding motion detector lighting is a simple yet effective way to enhance your home’s security. These lights automatically turn on when they detect movement, illuminating dark areas and deterring potential intruders.

Benefits of Motion Detector Lights

  1. Deters Intruders: Burglars prefer to operate under the cover of darkness. Motion-activated lights scare them off by suddenly lighting up the area.
  2. Alerts Homeowners: You’ll know when someone is on your property, whether it’s a visitor or an unwelcome guest.
  3. Enhances Security Cameras: Improved lighting helps your security cameras capture clearer images, especially at night.

Types of Motion Detector Lights

Standard Motion Detector Lights

These are the most common type. They can be installed on your front porch, driveway, or backyard. Look for features like adjustable sensitivity and range to customize the detection area.

Solar Power Lights

Solar power lights are eco-friendly and easy to install since they don’t require wiring. They charge during the day and activate at night. The AmeriTop Solar Light is a great option. It has:

  • Three adjustable heads for wider coverage.
  • 128 LED lights providing bright illumination.
  • Solar panels for energy efficiency.

Choosing the Right Motion Detector Light

When selecting a motion detector light, consider the following:

  • Brightness: Measured in lumens, the brightness should be sufficient to cover the desired area.
  • Detection Range: How far and wide the sensor can detect movement.
  • Power Source: Battery, wired, or solar-powered options.
  • Durability: Weatherproof materials to withstand outdoor conditions.

Installation Tips

  • Positioning: Place lights at least 7-10 feet above the ground to cover a larger area.
  • Coverage: Ensure the light covers entry points like doors and windows.
  • Testing: Test the light’s sensitivity and range to avoid false alarms.

Adding motion detector lighting is a cost-effective way to boost your home’s security. Next, we’ll explore how to reinforce doors and windows to make your home even more secure.

Reinforce Doors and Windows

Securing your home starts with reinforcing doors and windows. These are the most common entry points for burglars. Here’s how to make them more secure:

Door and Window Reinforcement

Door Armor Hardware: Installing Door Armor hardware can stop burglars in their tracks. This hardware includes 16-gauge galvanized steel plates that reinforce your door and jamb. It installs in less than 30 minutes and provides a significant boost in security.

Heavy-Duty Strike Plate: Many doors’ weak point is the strike plate. Replace it with a heavy-duty version and use 3-inch screws to ensure it’s anchored deeply into the door frame. This makes it much harder for burglars to kick in your door.

Tamper-Proof Screws: Use tamper-proof screws on door hinges and other hardware. Thieves can easily remove standard screws, but tamper-proof screws require special tools, making it much more difficult for them to gain entry.

Specialized Door Locks

Penrod Security Hinge: Shed doors often swing out, making hinge pins accessible. Penrod security hinges come with tamper-proof pins that prevent removal. If you can’t replace the hinges, retrofit them by inserting a finish screw through one side, allowing it to protrude slightly. This way, even if the hinge pin is removed, the door won’t come off.

Andersen’s Auxiliary Foot Lock: For sliding patio doors, install Andersen’s auxiliary foot lock. This lock fastens at the bottom of the door and secures it with a bolt that fits into a grommet. It’s easy to install and adds an extra layer of security.

Door Guardian: Another option for sliding doors is the Door Guardian, which attaches at the top of the door. It allows the door to open three inches for ventilation while still being secure.

DIY Solutions

Dowel for Sliding Doors: A simple yet effective solution is placing a wooden dowel in the track of your sliding door. This prevents the door from being opened from the outside. For a stylish touch, use an oak handrail, as suggested by Family Handyman reader Ryan Velthuis. Stain and seal it, then add an attractive drawer pull for easy handling.

Reinforcing doors and windows is a crucial step in securing your home. Next, we’ll cover how to install alarms and sensors for added protection.

Install Alarms and Sensors

Adding alarms and sensors to your home is like giving it a voice. These devices alert you to potential threats, often before they become a problem.

Wireless Alarms

Wireless alarms are a great option for modern homes. They don’t require extensive wiring, making them easy to install and move if needed. For instance, Bunker Hill Security offers a range of affordable wireless alarms that can be placed around your home. These alarms can detect motion and sound an alert, scaring off intruders and notifying you of their presence.

Bunker Hill Security Alarms

Bunker Hill Security alarms are particularly popular for their reliability and cost-effectiveness. These alarms are battery-operated and can be installed in minutes. They come with loud sirens that can deter burglars and alert neighbors, giving you peace of mind. Plus, their wireless nature means you can place them in hard-to-reach areas without worrying about running cables.

Glass Break Sensors

Glass break sensors are another essential component in securing your home. These sensors are designed to detect the sound of breaking glass, which is a common entry method for burglars. When they detect the specific frequency of breaking glass, they trigger an alarm.

Installing glass break sensors near windows and glass doors is a smart move. These sensors can cover a wide area and provide an additional layer of security. They’re especially useful in homes with large windows or glass sliding doors.

Using a combination of wireless alarms, Bunker Hill Security alarms, and glass break sensors can significantly enhance your home’s security. These devices work together to create a comprehensive system that alerts you to various types of intrusions, ensuring your home is well-protected.

Next, we’ll explore the benefits of using smart locks and deadbolt protection devices to further secure your home.

Use Smart Locks and Deadbolt Protection

When it comes to securing your home, traditional locks might not be enough. Smart locks and deadbolt protection devices offer advanced security features that can make a significant difference.

Smart Locks

Smart locks are a modern solution to enhance home security. They replace or augment traditional locks and can be controlled via a smartphone app. This means you can lock or unlock your doors remotely, receive notifications when someone enters, and even grant temporary access to guests.

Deadbolt Protection Device

Even the best locks can be vulnerable if the deadbolt itself isn’t protected. A deadbolt protection device can hold the door firmly in place by sliding a lock over the deadbolt handle, preventing it from turning.

Door Armor Hardware

Most burglars don’t pick locks; they kick doors. Door Armor hardware can stop them in their tracks. This hardware reinforces your door and jamb with 16-gauge galvanized steel, making it almost impossible to kick in. Installation takes less than 30 minutes and can vastly improve your door’s strength.

Combining smart locks, deadbolt protection devices, and Door Armor hardware provides a robust defense against intruders. These upgrades are essential for anyone serious about securing their home.

Secure Your Garage and Outdoor Buildings

Garage Door Security

Your garage can be a weak point in your home security if not properly secured. Garage doors are often overlooked, but they provide a large entry point for burglars.

Keychain remotes can be a game-changer here. Instead of leaving a garage door remote in your car, which can be easily stolen, use a keychain remote. This compact device fits in your pocket and ensures no one can open your garage without your knowledge.

Another effective measure is to lock the overhead door. Simply unplugging the garage door opener isn’t enough. Physically lock the door by drilling a hole in the track and inserting a padlock. This makes it much harder for someone to open the door from the inside, even if they gain entry to your home.

Shed Security

Sheds and other outdoor buildings often house valuable tools and equipment that can be used to break into your home. Secure windows and strong door locks are essential. Consider adding an alarm system to your shed for extra protection.

Using tamper-proof screws can further enhance security. Regular screws are easy for thieves to remove, but tamper-proof screws require special tools, making it much more difficult for anyone to gain access.

Additional Tips

  • Chain and padlock ladders and step ladders to a post or wall. These tools can be used to break into your home if left unsecured.
  • Wall and floor anchors can secure garden furniture and outdoor ornaments, especially in the front yard where they are more visible to opportunistic thieves.

By taking these steps, you can significantly improve the security of your garage and outdoor buildings, making your entire property safer.

Next, we’ll explore the importance of installing security cameras to keep an eye on your home.

Install Security Cameras

Installing security cameras is one of the most effective ways to deter burglars and monitor your home. Not only do they act as a visual deterrent, but they also provide valuable evidence if a break-in occurs.

Blink Wireless Security Camera System

One highly recommended option is the Blink wireless security camera system. This system is easy to install and requires only AA batteries and a Wi-Fi connection to operate. Each camera features built-in sensors that are triggered by motion. When motion is detected, the alarm goes off, a notification is sent to your smartphone, and a short video clip is uploaded to Blink’s cloud storage.

Key Features:

  • Motion Detection: Alerts you instantly when movement is detected.
  • Cloud Storage: Videos are automatically saved, so you can review them anytime.
  • Battery-Powered: Runs on AA batteries, making it easy to install anywhere without worrying about power outlets.

Amazon Alexa Integration

One of the standout features of the Blink system is its integration with Amazon Alexa. You can control the cameras using voice commands and even view live feeds on Alexa-enabled devices like the Echo Show.

Example Use Case: Imagine you’re at work and receive a notification on your phone that someone is at your front door. You can simply ask Alexa to show you the front door camera feed, giving you peace of mind without having to rush home.

Other Popular Security Camera Systems

While Blink is a fantastic option, there are other great systems to consider:

  • SimpliSafe: Offers 24/7 surveillance for burglars, fires, water damage, and medical emergencies. It includes a built-in cellular connection backed up by Wi-Fi.
  • Google Nest Secure: Comes with indoor and outdoor cameras that work seamlessly with the Nest Guard alarm system. You can monitor everything through the Nest smartphone app.
  • Ring Alarm: Known for its video doorbells, Ring also offers a comprehensive home security system that includes cameras, motion detectors, and a base station. Control it all from the Ring app or opt for professional monitoring.

Tips for Effective Camera Placement

  • Cover All Entrances: Ensure cameras are positioned to monitor all entry points, including front and back doors, windows, and garages.
  • High and Visible: Place cameras high enough to avoid tampering but visible enough to act as a deterrent.
  • Well-Lit Areas: Install cameras in well-lit areas to ensure clear footage, especially at night.

By integrating security cameras into your home security strategy, you can significantly enhance your ability to monitor and protect your property.

Next, we’ll look at how using a safe can help secure your valuables.

Use a Safe for Valuables

When it comes to securing your home, one essential step is protecting your valuables. A safe can offer peace of mind and an extra layer of security.

Safe Box

A safe box is a compact, secure container designed to store valuable items such as jewelry, documents, and cash. SentrySafe Box is a popular choice because it is both waterproof and fireproof. It features a digital lock, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access it.

  • Waterproof and Fireproof: Protects contents from environmental hazards.
  • Digital Lock: Provides secure access control.

Wall Safe

A wall safe is installed directly into the wall, typically between the studs, and can be concealed behind a picture or a piece of furniture. This makes it an excellent option for hiding valuables in plain sight.

  • Hidden Installation: Easily concealed behind pictures or furniture.
  • Secure Bolting: Attached to wall studs for added security.

Cylinder Floor Safe

A cylinder floor safe is designed to be installed in the floor, usually between the joists. This type of safe is particularly good for securing larger items or a significant amount of valuables.

  • Floor Installation: Hidden from view, offering an extra layer of security.
  • Heavy-Duty Construction: Built to withstand tampering and forced entry.

Using a safe is a smart way to keep your most important belongings secure. Whether you choose a safe box, wall safe, or cylinder floor safe, make sure it is properly installed and hidden to maximize its effectiveness.

Next, we’ll explore additional security measures to enhance your home’s protection.

Additional Security Measures

Add a Useful Peephole

Never open the door unless you know who’s on the other side. Traditional peepholes can be too small and distort the view, making it hard to identify visitors. The Sumnacon Safety Door Viewer offers a 220-degree view, giving you a clear picture of who’s at your door. This wide-angle peephole helps you spot strangers who might otherwise hide out of view.

Use a Secure Mailbox

Mail theft is on the rise, with thieves targeting unsecured mailboxes for checks, credit card offers, and personal information. A security mailbox can make a big difference. These mailboxes require a key to open, making it harder for thieves to steal your mail. Just screw it to the wall or post like a standard mailbox, and you’re good to go.

Install an Adjustable Lock for the Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner can be a weak spot in your home security. Thieves can remove the unit to create an entry point. An AC guard cage can deter this by making it harder to remove the unit. Additionally, an AC window lock can secure the bottom of your window, preventing forced entry. These adjustable security bars are easy to install and provide an extra layer of protection.

Secure the Overhead Door

Unplugging your garage door opener when you go on vacation is a good start, but it’s not enough. A burglar inside your home can still open the garage door from the inside. Physically locking the door is a better solution. If your door doesn’t have a lockable latch, drill a hole in the track above one of the rollers and insert a padlock. This makes it harder for thieves to use your garage as a loading dock for stolen goods.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about securing your home.

Frequently Asked Questions about Securing Your Home

What is the best way to secure your home?

The best way to secure your home involves a mix of simple security devices and strategic measures. Start with securing entry points like doors and windows. Pin locks for windows and deadbolts for doors are essential.

Install a burglar alarm and security cameras to monitor activity. Systems like SimpliSafe and Google Nest Secure are popular choices. Visual security alarms can also deter intruders.

Lighting plays a big role too. Motion detector lights can scare off potential burglars. Consider solar-powered options like the AmeriTop Solar Light.

Finally, keep valuables out of sight. Don’t leave expensive items visible through windows, and cut up boxes from high-dollar items before recycling.

How do you completely secure a house?

Completely securing a house means addressing multiple layers of security. Start with home monitoring systems that offer 24/7 surveillance.

Lighting is crucial. Use motion-activated lights to illuminate dark areas around your home.

Gate and fence security is another key aspect. Ensure gates and fences are sturdy and high enough to deter intruders.

Spare key storage should be safe. Avoid hiding keys in obvious places; use a wall-mounted key safe instead.

Door security is vital. Reinforce doors with Door Armor hardware and use tamper-proof screws for hinges. For windows, consider adding glass break sensors.

Don’t forget outdoor building security. Sheds and garages should have high-quality padlocks and tamper-proof screws.

How do I keep my house safe from burglars?

To keep your house safe from burglars, focus on secure entry points. Use pin locks for windows and deadbolts for doors.

Motion detector lighting can deter burglars by illuminating dark areas. Install them around your property, especially near entry points.

Tamper-proof screws can make it harder for burglars to remove hinges or hardware. Use these for sheds, gates, and doors.

Door hinges should be secured with tamper-proof pins or security hinges.

Alarms are a great deterrent. Wireless alarms like Bunker Hill Security alarms can scare off intruders.

Reinforce locks by choosing ones with thicker shackles and using deadbolt protection devices.

Finally, consider bike protection if you store bikes outside. Use heavy-duty locks and secure them to immovable objects.

By addressing these areas, you can significantly improve your home’s security and peace of mind.


Securing your home is essential to protect your family and belongings. We’ve covered a range of steps to help you achieve this, from reinforcing doors and windows to installing alarms and motion detector lights. By addressing vulnerable entry points, using smart technology, and taking simple precautions, you can make your home a much harder target for burglars.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Secure Points of Entry: Reinforce doors and windows with hardware like Door Armor and use pin locks for sliding doors.
  • Install a Home Security System: Consider systems like SimpliSafe, Google Nest Secure, or Ring Alarm for comprehensive protection.
  • Add Motion Detector Lighting: Lights like the AmeriTop Solar Light can deter intruders by illuminating dark areas.
  • Use Smart Locks and Deadbolt Protection: Upgrade to smart locks and use deadbolt protection devices to enhance security.
  • Secure Your Garage and Outdoor Buildings: Ensure your garage and sheds are locked and consider using keychain remotes and overhead door locks.
  • Install Security Cameras: Cameras can monitor your property and provide evidence in case of a break-in.
  • Use a Safe for Valuables: Store important items in a secure safe like the SentrySafe Box.

Importance of Home Security

Home security is not just about protecting material possessions; it’s about ensuring the safety and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. With burglaries occurring every 16 seconds, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to deter potential intruders. By implementing these security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of break-ins and create a safer environment for your family.

Glass Verandas UK: Enhance Your Home’s Security and Beauty

In addition to these security measures, consider upgrading your home with a glass veranda. Glass verandas not only add value and aesthetic appeal to your home but also provide an additional layer of security by creating a controlled, enclosed outdoor space. At Glass Verandas UK, we offer bespoke solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing home structure.

Invest in your home’s security today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is well-protected.

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